
Lose Weight thought the Grocery Shop

What's the easiest way to eat better in 2014?  Buy better food!  If high fat, high calorie junk food doesn't come into your home, you're not going to eat it.  So if weight loss is your goal this year, start by learning to grocery shop for better health.

Use NuVal to Shop for Healthy Food

One of my favorite new ways to shop is to use the NuVal system at my grocery store. This innovative system allows you to compare foods within specific food groups to make the best choice.  For example, if you are craving pineapple, you'll find that fresh pineapple gets a healthy high NuVal score but canned pineapple does not.  Buying diet-friendly food becomes easy when you can simply compare numbers. Many people lose weight thought it. NuVal has come across some criticism because it provides relatively high scores to some processed, unhealthy foods, but the trick is to use it within foods groups to compare similar items and make the best possible choice.

More Grocery Shopping Tips

If your store doesn't use NuVal, there are still plenty of ways to shop for healthier food.  My list of Grocery Shopping Dos and Don'ts provides a basic list of blunders to avoid.  For instance, did you know should exercise before you shop? You'll feel better about your body and that boost of confidence may inspire better choices.

Of course, once you bring your healthy food home, you're more likely to find diet success if you've  set up your kitchen for weight loss. Clear out those cabinets and clean out your fridge!

Do you have a handy tip for healthier shopping? Tweet it to me or share it on my Facebook page.  And don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to get quick tips delivered every Monday.


5 Benefits of papaya fruit for women

Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Women
Papaya actually bring many benefits to our health, because of the large nutrients contained therein. Christopher Columbus never dub this fruit as the "Fruit of the angels", because it tastes was delicious and has tremendous health benefits.

 In previous articles, we have talked a lot about the benefits of papaya fruit for health, in general. On this occasion we will discuss the benefits of papaya fruit in a smaller scope, namely: Benefits of papaya fruit for women.

Besides being known as the fruit of the angels, papaya is also popularly known as "Power fruit for women" or fruit that is very great for women. Because the benefits of papaya fruit is very good for women. Let us see what are the benefits of papaya fruit for health.
5 Benefits of Papaya Fruit for Women

Health benefits of papaya fruit for the hair, papaya fruit can help to control dandruff. Shampoo made ​​from papaya (now) has been heavily marketed-supermarket supermarket.

Papaya is beneficial for women who have irregular menstrual cycles. Women who experience this can consume papaya juice to make it into a regular cycle. In addition, enzymes and other essential nutrients in the fruit papaya is also able to reduce the risk of cervix cancer.

Papain enzyme in papaya fruit is still young more than ripe papaya. The enzyme not only analyze proteins in the body, but also encourages the body's metabolism and quickly remove excess fat. But remember, young papaya fruit "is not recommended" for consumption for pregnant women, especially in the early days of pregnancy.

Papaya fruit contains 48 times the amount of Vitamin C more than apples. So thus, papaya fruit can quickly remove toxins in the body and is great for refreshing the skin. Papaya enzyme is also able to encourage the metabolism of skin, so skin looks brighter.

Papaya benefits for women. Papaya fruit can help the growth of women's breasts, medium hormone and vitamin A contained in papaya enzyme, can stimulate female hormones to produce more milk amount for women who are in lactation.


Benefits of citrus fruit for pregnant women

 As the article on the benefits of citrus fruit peel, citrus fruit which is very much to have health benefits. The orange-colored fruit are so many benefits to health and usefulness. Not just the sweet taste are the main attraction of this Planta Fruta, but the efficacy and health benefits of citrus to also be a magnet for this Planta Fruta, so the fruit is preferable that a lot of people besides apples, including preferred by pregnant women.

The content of vitamins and minerals in citrus fruits such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 / Pyridoxine, Vitamin B5/Asam pantothenate, Vitamin B3/Niacin, Vitamin B2/Riboflavin, B1/Thiamin Vitamins, Folic Acid, Phosphorus, Calcium, Carbohydrate, Magnesium, Potassium, phytochemical compounds and copper.

Folic acid is needed by the body to create new cells in the body, and this is very important for the growth and development of infants. The body does not store folic acid is sufficient for the needs of the baby in the womb, so the mother must consume supplements or folic acid-producing foods (citrus fruits).

In addition, the benefits of citrus  for pregnant women is because they contain bioflavanoid compound in citrus fruits, especially grapefruit. This compound is able to strengthen the connective tissue and keep the potent blood vessel walls in order to stay strong. In addition, bioflavanoid can also reduce inflammation during pregnancy.

Citrus Planta Fruta for Pregnant Women
So why citrus Planta Fruta are very beneficial to health, and orange beneficial for pregnant women? turns this fruit contains various compounds therein. because many of these compounds, it is an advanced citrus Planta Fruta idol healthy people and pregnant women.

Content of vitamin C in orange juice be very important as the fruit in improving immunity. Vitamin C is also useful as an antibody that is useful to cure various ailments such as influenza.

The content of "Folic Acid Compounds" in citrus fruits are very beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid is a compound that is easily absorbed by the baby through the womb.